Dublin in pink shade

My year in Dublin captured on photographs. It’s not too many, but I was too lazy to edit them all. I just wanted to show you a little bit of what was my life the whole of last year. I miss Dublin so much that my stomach feels sick (although that might have been all the sour cream I ate earlier).

I liked to point at things my first day there, and I had yellow hair.

I spent way too much time inside the school library on sunny days.

I became an ugly alcoholic.

My family came to visit, and it made me a happy camper.

I drank a lot of coffee in cute coffee shops.

I took pictures of myself in dressing rooms and felt really cool.

And I made my friends take photographs of me when I felt photogenic.







13 kommentarer til “Dublin in pink shade”

  1. Kristina Kvåle avatar

    åh, eg har så lyst til dublin! heldige du!

  2. June avatar

    Ååh, herlige bilder! God stemning! :D

  3. Caroline avatar

    You are the cutest!

  4. Speilvendt avatar

    I feel like commenting in English, so I’ll just do that from now on :)
    I really like your face.. it’s so special and cute, haha, you have the cutest face expressions ever! I know what it’s like missing a place/country.. Scotland and Ireland are pretty much the same, innit? Looks like it anyway.

  5. Anna avatar

    Å, får lyst til å flytte til utlandet nå nå nå. Og jeg liker at du blogger ofte :)

  6. Siv avatar

    Hurraaa for fine bilder og tilbakeblitt! (digger solbrillene <3)

  7. Dorthea avatar

    Herlig, herlig <3

  8. Julie Engel avatar

    Jeg og savner Dublin sååååååå!

  9. Luisa avatar

    Du er så PEN!!! Flotte bilder, håper jeg får leve Dublin en dag :)

    1. Carina avatar

      Takk, Luisa :D Dublin er fantastisk! Anbefaler det virkelig :)

  10. Hjerterdam avatar

    Skjønner at Dublin har fått en spesiell plass i hjertet ditt! Om en uke er jeg der igjen, og gleder meg til å se mer! :)

  11. Phoebe avatar

    Så utrolig herlige bilder :-)

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